French Fries Day 2013

July 13th is French Fries Day, be it National French Fries Day or Happy French Fries Day, I suppose that’s really up to you.

There are many celebrations going on in the tater world today, believe it or not. News services are alive with suggestions as to where the best fries are. Various towns in Idaho are hosting picnics and parades. And of course many restaurants have fry-oriented offers and promotions today.

The French and Belgians are fighting (as always) about who invented the favorite fried food. We all know it was Belgium, but in this one case, somehow the French won’t surrender.

The question is – how will you be celebrating today? Will you be cooking your own fries? Will you be going out to dinner, and getting fried spud as a side? or will you purposely seek out your favorite potato and celebrate specifically. Whatever you do, enjoy.

For me, I celebrated for dinner last night, by making Paula Deen’s recipe for the favorite fried food.  There’s an image to the left of the finished product.  Mmmm… fries…

Shameful woman, but I gotta say, she knows how to make a damn good French fry.

Happy French Fries Day, folks.

Even a Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day

I was not going to post this. Honestly when Paula Deen started her fall from grace recently I had decided not to reference her on this blog any longer. Forces have aligned to change my mind.

Folks who know me, and know how I put this blog together know that I have a huge backlog. Right now, I have dozens of posts that I have not yet put up. Among them was a recipe for French fries by Paula Deen. I saw it and figured I wouldn’t be able to use it any more, so before I tossed it, I tried the recipe. The fries were awesome.

I mentioned it to my partner Ray on The GAR! Podcast, and he thought I should post it. I have heard from several listeners that thought I should as well. I figured, what the hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Let me just say for the record, I don’t like the woman, but I like the recipe. Here are Paula Deen’s formerly redacted French fries…,,73053-VIDEO,00.xml&channel=73053

The full recipe can be found here.

Paula Deen – Put a Fork in Her

I’ve featured Paula Deen a handful of times here at French Fry Diary. Her fearlessness in making crazy fried foods is legendary, making her perfect fodder for a blog about less than healthy food.

However, after the emergence of her racial remarks earlier this week, I don’t think I’ll be doing that any more. I’m not the only one who feels that way. After blowing off “The Today Show” this morning, this afternoon the Food Network announced they would be dropping her as well.

I would have posted her online apology, but much like Paula did to Matt Lauer, and Food Network did to her, she pulled that sad excuse for an apology from YouTube. Perhaps a full disappearance might be good advice for Ms. Deen for a while. I think we’re all sick of her at this point. She’s done.

Bobby Deen’s Fish and Chips

Not My Mama’s Meals” is an intriguing concept for a Food Network/Cooking Channel program. It’s got Bobby Deen, Paula Deen’s son, turning out healthier spins on his mother’s recipes. So, leaner, lighter, with all the flavor, and not sooo much butter.

In the second season episode, “Boys’ Night,” Bobby tries his hand at his momma’s over 900 calorie fish and chips, bringing it down to roughly 300. Quite a challenge. His secret – he’s using sweet potatoes, and he’s baking them.

Check out the recipe here. Enjoy!

Paula Deen’s Sweet Potato Home Fries

This past week or so here at French Fry Diary we have been talking a lot about breakfast potatoes, especially on board the Disney Dream. For Food Network Friday today, I thought I’d share the incomparable Paula Deen’s take on breakfast potatoes, with a new twist, she’s using sweet potatoes.,,45582-VIDEO,00.xml&channel=45582

The video is courtesy of Food Network, the recipe can be found here, and it’s from the “Gone Brunchin’” episode of “Paula’s Best Dishes.” Enjoy!

To quote Paula, “There’s nothing like the sound of a fryer… especially if it’s full of taters, y’all!” Indeed.

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Paula Deen’s Disco Fries

Today’s edition of Food Network Fridays comes from Paula Deen – Disco Fries!

A delicacy up in the New York City/North Jersey area diners, this recipe comes from the Food Network‘s southern queen. These even come with the signature cheddar cheese and gravy. Paula even put them in paper cones for the picture!

Check it out here.

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Paula Deen’s Red Potato Salad

For Labor Day, another favorite picnic dish, this one from Paula Deen at the Food Network:


* 12 cups cubed red potatoes
* 1 cup chopped green bell pepper (about 1 medium)
* 1/2 cup minced red onion
* 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
* 1/3 cup red wine vinegar
* 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
* 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
* 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
* 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


Cook potatoes, covered in boiling water, 10 minutes, or until tender; drain well and cool.

In a large bowl, combine potatoes, bell pepper and onion.

In a small bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients. Pour over potato mixture, tossing gently to coat. Cover and refrigerate.

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